I MyID Help

MyID Support

MyID support receives hundreds of tickets every day. Mainly the tickets are caused by issues not related to the functionality of the service. Sometimes on-boarding processes may take some few days causing issues during the first login. Sometimes the issue caused by the wrongly configured client or poor internet connection. Please read following chapters to identify the root cause of the issue.

Before issuing the ticket, check:

  • If your user is already created in SCD and has an email address. The latter is an indicator that the on-boarding process is completed (it takes up to 5 days) and you should be able to log in
  • If you can log in into your Windows PC by credentials
  • If you can log in using any other login method
  • If you can log in to any other application (in this case please approach the application owner to grant you access permissions)

Below you can find the information about possible issues with different login methods and the tips to resolve them. In case of issues you can always create a support ticket. To speed up the ticket resolution please provide information regarding:

  • Your client version (Windows, Linux, macOC etc)
  • Your browser type (Chrome, FireFox, IE, Edge) and its version
  • Exact step by step description to reproduce the issue
  • Screen shot of the issue / error message, if possible

This will speed up the ticket resolution.

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Smart Card Authentication

The Smart Card gives you the most secure and convenient way to authenticate in MyID. MyID has to rely on different modules of your PC to successfully authenticate you using Smart Card:

Usual Smart Card issues

  • Smart Card has to be activated before the first use
  • The certificates on your Smart Card have to be valid

Usual PC issues

  • Smart Card Reader has to be functional
  • PKI Basic Client has to be installed on your PC
  • The Internet Browser has to support Smart Card authentication method

Verify your PC to have the PKI Basic Client installed. Insert the card and verify its status to be "yellow":


Only the Yellow icon confirms the card to be properly recognized. (Sometimes the left arrow has to be clicked to see all the tray icons). Following issues may arise:

Icon Status description How to resolve Smart Card authentication issu
Fully functional Fully functional Smart Card If authentication does not work, please contact the Helpdesk
N.A. No PKI Basic Client installed

Standard Siemens Client

Install the "PKI Basic Client" from the "Software Center".

Non-Standard Client

For non-Standard (IT managed) client PCs as well as macOS and Linux workstations please order the PKI Basic Client installation package.

Not readable The card cannot be read Clean the chip and insertcard again. Rebooting your computer might help as well. If the issue arises repeatedly it is recommended to replace the card using FIONA tool.
Is been read The card is being read If reading takes too long try to login with your card on another computer to rule out problems with your card reader. If the problem persists, request a new card using FIONA tool.
Not recognized The card is not recognized in the card reader Make sure your card is inserted correctly. Try to login with your card on another computer to rule out problems with your card reader. If the problem persists, request a new card using FIONA tool.
Unknown format Unknown card format Card content cannot be recognized by card reader or card is not activated. For activation use MyPKI tool.
Unknown error Unknown error Error may arise from the drivers of the smart card reader or other hardware related issues.
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Email Address Authentication

With this method you can authenticate using your windows credentials. It is offered when you access Siemens-applications from the internet or using non-Windows devices. Sometimes MyID combines email login with other login methods to reach the required authentication strength.

To protect your account against brute-force attacks, MyID locks the access:

  • From the same IP address in case of 5 failed login attempts (access from the IP is locked for 15 minutes regardless of entered credentials)
  • Of existing user identity with 8 times wrongly entered password (access blocked for this user for 15 minutes)
  • After 10 failed login attempts your Windows Account gets locked for 30 minutes (you cannot access your Windows client in this case)
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Soft PKI Authentication

The method is especially useful when you authenticate from mobile devices. Once configured on your device it does not require additional inputs. The method requires the certificate installation on your device prior to be used.

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Mobile Authentication

PingID helps you confirm your identity via a mobile device when accessing critical applications. Before using it for the first time, you must activate PingID on your device. You can use multiple devices with PingID. Please note that your account password expires 30 days after onboarding and must be reset before activation is possible.

Following authentication options can be used to activate PingID:

  • Smart Card
  • One Time Password via SMS on your mobile
  • One Time Password via email to your manager or sponsor

The last two options require the data to be stored in SCD.

For the first use you are guided through the activation process. You can also activate multiple devices to have a fall back option in case (in case you lost your primary device).

If you decided to use an app for PingID, you can download it here:

In case you configured only one mobile device to work with PingID and lost it, you can disconnect it using our PingID Reset Application.

Emergency process for PingID enrollment

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Other Login Services

Following login options are only offered once enabled by the application owner for certain application

Siemens affiliates login option

MyID supports authentication of some Siemens affiliates using their login systems. This option appears on the login screens only in case MyID could not identity the user to come from the Siemens intranet. After selecting the affiliate company, the user is forwarded to the login service of the affiliate. If you work for the MyID supported affiliate company, please contact the local IT support in case of login issues.

Siemens ID Login

This option allows registered and federated Siemens ID users to login. This can be used to provide authentication to Siemens external partners without full on-boarding. In case of issues with this login method approach the application support contact. Siemens ID does not have the user support process. Please consult Siemens ID FAQ for further information.

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Additional Documentation

Please find additional documentation from MyID with the following links: